Facts are many, but the truth is one.

All good data stories begin with a great way to capture the facts.  Over the last two months what have been the topics most often discussed in counseling sessions? How many initial training sessions did Jane Smith attend to complete her initial certification? What types of organizational partners do you have to conduct outreach?

Whether you are a program administrator, volunteer, outreach specialist or beneficiary, capturing the facts easily and securely provides the foundation for good service. SHIPtools helps you collect data on clients, activities, outreach, training, volunteers and much more in ways that can be economically customized to your programmatic needs.  This lessens the likelihood users will have to deploy work-arounds to get the data they want from the system and means they can spend more time where it really matters- identifying the stories the data is telling.

Over the last two months what have been the topics most often discussed in counseling sessions? 

How many initial training sessions did the team member attend to complete initial training? 

What types of organizational partners do you have to conduct outreach on your behalf?


The ability of SHIPtools to be economically customized to your programmatic needs lessens the likelihood users will have to deploy work-arounds to get the data they want from the system. This means they can spend more time where it really matters- identifying the stories the data is telling. 
